Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi
- Is there any predictive bone parameter for implant stability in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional radiologic images?, 2021
- Tam dişsiz ağızlarda panoramik radyografi ile incelemeler, 2021
- The temporomandibular opening index in patients with temporomandibular disorders undergoing surgical extraction of mandibular third molars: A pilot study, 2021
- Evaluation of Cell and DNA Damage Induced by Panoramic Radiography, 2019
- Increase of free radical levels in the periodontal tissues of therapeutic dose radiation applied rats and potential protective effects of bioflavonoids and polyphenols (ENOANT®), 2018
- Reliability and validity of Turkish version of the Rapid Estimate of Adult Litaracy in Dentistry (TREALD-30), 2017
- Gemination on Unerupted Third Molar, 2015
- Akromegali olgu bildirimi, 2013
- Displacement of A Maxillary Third Molar Into The Buccal Space Anatomical Implications Apropos A Case, 2011
- Anatomik Bir Varyasyon Aksesuar Mental Foramen, 2011
- Oligodonti 3 Olgu Nedeniyle, 2011
- Haematological and Biochemical Changes Caused by Lithium in Rats, 2006
- Diş hekimliğinde dijital radyografiler ve ağız içi kameralar, 2006
- Radiological Evaluation of the Styloid Process in Young Adults Resident in Turkey s Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, 2005
- Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy review and a case report, 2000
- Diş hekimliğinde radyolojinin esasları, ISBN: 9786059528108., 2021
- AĞRI, ISBN: 975-420-487-X, 2006
- ORAL DİAGNOZ, ISBN: 975-420-528-0, 2007
- En İyi Poster, 2004
- En İyi Poster 2.lik Ödülü, 2011
- En İyi Poster 3.lük Ödülü, 2013
- e-oral Presentation 3.lük Ödülü, 2014