Faculty of Dentistry

Academic Members

Prof. Hikmet Koçak

Hikmet Koçak

Tıbbi Biyokimya
H-Index: 20

Prof. Koçak was born in 1968, in Ankara. Between 1991-2000, she received her master and doctorate degrees from Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry. She became an Associate Professor of Biochemistry in 2006 and Professor in 2012. She worked as a staff member at Demiroğlu Bilim University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry between 2008-2019. During these years at Demiroğlu Bilim University, she was assigned as the ‘head of Biochemistry Department’, ‘board member of the technology transfer Office, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences and the Vocational School of Health Services’ and had ‘commission membership for Student Transfers’ for Undergraduate Programs. In addition to these, during the Integrated System Structuring Process of the Faculty of Medicine, she worked as a coordinator, assistant coordinator and as a member of educational and administrative positions in many boards and commissions. Between 2008 and 2018, she worked as a member of the board of trustees of İstanbul Section of Turkish Biochemistry Association and Scientific Activity Organization Committee. She started to work at Istinye University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Education in 2019. Prof. Koçak has 32 international published papers in Science Citation Index (SCI) and SCI-Exp journals, 4 published articles in national refereed journals, 17 international and 27 national presentations/posters presented at congress symposiums, and has 15 research projects. She was awarded in national scientific congresses with her three studies in 2004, 2013 and 2014 respectively. Her 32 published articles in international journals have 613 citations when searched in "Google Scholar Citations", According to the Web of Science ResearcherID, her h-index is 14.

Araştırma Alanları

  • Nutrition
  • Oxidative Stress

Çalışma Alanları

  • Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
  • Tıbbi Biyokimya
  • Capsaicin Modulates Adipocyte Cell Differentiation and Inflammatory Gene Expression, 2024
  • Which Pathology Education Method Is More Useful in Active Professional Life? A Survey of Clinicians, 2022
  • Temel Tıp Döneminde Alınan Patoloji Eğitimi Klinik Eğitim Döneminde Yarar Sağlıyor mu? 5. Sınıf Tıp Öğrencilerinde Yapılan Bir Anket Çalışması, 2022
  • Serum chymase levels in obese individuals: the relationship with inflammation and hypertension, 2020
  • Dietary curcumin and capsaicin: Relationship with hepaticoxidative stress and apoptosis in rats fed a high fat diet, 2019
  • Dietary curcumin and capsaicin: Relationship with hepaticoxidative stress and apoptosis in rats fed a high fat diet, 2019
  • The effect of dietary curcumin on hepatic chymase activity and serum fetuin-A levels in rats fed on a high-fat diet, 2017
  • The effect of dietary curcumin on hepatic chymase activity and serum fetuin-A levels in rats fed on a high-fat diet, 2017
  • The effect of dietary curcumin on hepatic chymase activity and serum fetuin-A levels in rats fed on a high-fat diet, 2017
  • The effect of dietary curcumin and capsaicin on hepatic fetuin-A expression and fat accumulation in rats fed on a high-fat diet, 2016
  • Serum fetuin-A and arginase-1 in human obesity model: Is there any interaction between inflammatory status and arginine metabolism?, 2015
  • Effect of curcumin on hepatic heme oxygenase 1 expression in high fat diet fed rats: is there a triangular relationship?, 2014
  • Curcumin prevents liver fat accumulation and serum fetuin A increase in rats fed a high fat diet, 2013
  • Urinary Nerve Growth Factor in Children with Overactive Bladder A Promising Noninvasive and Objective Biomarker, 2013
  • Serum asymmetric dimethylarginine and nitric oxide levels in obese postmenopausal women, 2011
  • Appetite regulating Hormones in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, 2011
  • Collagen synthesis nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine in diabetic subjects undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2010
  • Dimethylarginines and inflammation markers in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, 2009
  • Early and Late Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Oxidative Stress Parameters in Diabetic Patients, 2008
  • Circulating ghrelin levels in obese women a possible association with hypertension, 2007
  • Advanced oxidation protein products in obese women its relation to insulin resistance and resistin, 2007
  • The relation between serum MDA and cystatin C levels in chronic spinal cord injury patients, 2005
  • Evaluation of Leukocyte Arylsulphatase A Serum Interleukin 6 and Urinary Heparan Sulphate Following Tamoxifen Therapy in Breast Cancer, 2005
  • Cystatin C and creatinine as indices of glomerular filtration rate in the immediate follow up of renal transplant patients, 2005
  • Indices of Oxidative Stress in Eutopic and Ectopic Endometrium of Women with Endometriosis, 2004
  • Acute Phase Reactants in Allergic Airway Disease, 2004
  • Determination of diagnostic and prognostic values of urinary interleukin 8 tumor necrosis factor and leukocyte arylsulfatase A activity in patients with bladder cancer, 2004
  • Urine 8 isoprostane F2 concentrations in patients with neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury, 2004
  • The Evaluation of C reaktive Protein Homocysteine and Vitamin B6 Concentrations in Behçet and Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease, 2003
  • Serum prolidase I activity and some bone metabolic markers in patients with breast cancer in relation to menopausal status, 2003
  • Seminal plazma superoksid dismutaz ve total antioksidan düzeylerinin erkek infertilesine etkileri, 2003
  • Endometriosisli olguların ötopik ve ektopik endometrium dokusunda oksidatif hasar göstergeleri, 2003
  • Effect of exogenous melatonin on ethanol induced changes in Na K and Ca 2 ATPase activities in rat synaptosomes, 2002
  • Comparison of the activities of Na K ATPase in brains of rats at different ages, 2002
  • The effect of Aminoguanidine on Diabetes Induced Inactivation of Kidney Na K ATPase in Rats, 2001
  • Evaluation of Leukocyte Arylsulfatase A Activity in Patients With Breast Cancer and Benign Breast Disease, 2001
  • Sex dependent changes in blood brain barrier permeability and brain Na K ATPase activity in rats following acute water intoxication, 2000
  • Effects of streptozotocin induced diabetes and pentylenetetrazol induced seizure on brain cortex Ca2 ATPase activity in rats, 2000
  • Testis glutathione peroxidase and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase activities in aminoguanidine treated diabetic rats, 2000
  • Kardiovasküler hastalıkların klinik tanısında serum İnterlökin 6 ve Tümör Nekroz Faktör düzeylerinin önemi, 2000
  • Sağlıklı insanlarda eritrosit membranı Na K ATPaz ve Ca2 ATPaz aktivitelerine ve sialik asid düzeylerine yaşlanmanın etkisi, 1999
  • Brain cortex Na K ATPase activities in streptozotocin diabetic and pentyleneterazol epileptic rats, 1997
  • The Effects of Curcumin and Capsaicin on Liver DNA Fragmentation and Total Antioxidant Status in a High-Fat-Diet Model, 2017
  • Effects of Curcumin on Oxidant-Antioxidant System in High Fat Diet Fed Rats, 2017
  • The Effects of Dietary Curcumin and Capsaicin on Preventing High Fat Diet Induced Fatty Liver from Apoptosis in a Rat Model, 2017
  • Protective effects of curcumin in liver damage induced by high-fat diet.,
  • Vısual and Automated Detectıon of Mıld Hemolysıs in Serum Samples., 2015
  • The Effect Of Curcumin And Capsaicin Supplementation On Fetuin-A Expression And Hepatic Fat Accumulation In High Fat Diet Fed Rats., 2015
  • The Effects of Curcumin and Capsaicin on LiverDNA Fragmentation and Total Antioxidant Statusin a High-Fat-Diet Model., 2017
  • Kurkumin ve Kapsaisin Uygulamasının Yüksek Yağlı Diyetle Beslenen Sıçanlarda Karaciğer İleri Oksidasyon Ürünlerine Etkisi, 2017
  • The Effects of Dietary Curcumin and Capsaicin on Preventing High Fat Diet Induced Fatty Liver from Apoptosis in a Rat Model, 2017
  • The Effects of Curcumin and Capsaicin on Liver DNA Fragmentation and Total Antioxidant Status in a High-Fat-Diet Model, 2017
  • Effects of Curcumin on Oxidant-Antioxidant System in High Fat Diet Fed Rats, 2017
  • Effects of Curcumin Intake on Fatty Liver in High Fat Diet Fed Rats,
  • Obezitede Serum Fetuin A ve ADMA Düzeylerinin Hipertansiyon ile İlişkisi,
  • Curcumin Uygulamasının Yüksek Yağli Diyetle Beslenen Sıçanlarda Karaciğer Yağlanması ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine Etkisi,
  • Yüksek Yağli Diyetle Beslenen Farelerin Karaciğerinde Trigliserid Düzeyleri ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine Enginar Yapraği Ekstresinin Etkisi,
  • Deneysel Obezite Modelinde Oral Curcumin Uygulamasının Karaciğer Trigliserid Düzeyleri ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine Etkisi,
  • İdrar NGF düzeyleri aşırı aktif mesanesi olan çocuk hastalarda tanı ve tedavi sürecinde gelecekvaat eden noninvaziv bir biomarker olabilir mi,
  • Hiperbarik oksijenin serum PINP PIIINP düzeylerine ve prolidaz aktivitesine etkisi,
  • Diyabetik obezlerde AOPP düzeylerinin insülin direnci ve proinflamatuvar sitokinlerle bağıntısı,
  • Serum grelin ve leptin düzeylerinin kan basıncı ve vücut kütle indeksi ile bağıntısı,
  • Obezitede serum Rezistin ve sitokin düeyleri ile Tip 2 Diabet İlişkisinin İncelenmesi,
  • Spinal Kord Travmalı Hastalarda Serum Malondialdehit Düzeyleri ve Sistatin C Arasındaki İlişki,
  • Lökosit Arilsülfataz A aktiviteleri ile serum İnterlökin 6 ve idrar heparan sülfat düzeylerinin meme kanserli hastalarda tanısal önemi ve tedavi ile ilişkileri,
  • Behçet ve romatoid artrit hastalarında C reaktif protein homosistein ve B6 vitamin düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi,
  • Nörojen mesaneli hastalarda 8 epi PGF2a düzeylerinin prognostik değeri ve antioksidan statüsle ilişkisi,
  • Seminal plazma superoksid dismutaz ve total antioksidan düzeylerinin erkek infertilesine etkileri,
  • Renal transplantansyon takibinde sistatin C nin güvenilirliği ve olası graft disfonksiyonun tespitinde CRP ve SAA nın rolü,
  • Endometriosisli olguların ötopik ve ektopik endometrium dokusunda oksidatif hasar göstergeleri,
  • Sıçan sinaptozomlarında Na K ATPaz ve Ca2 ATPaz aktivitelerinde alkole bağlı değişiklikler üzerine eksojen melatoninin etkisi,
  • Eksojen melatonin verilmiş sıçanlarda sinaptozomal Na K ATPaz Ca2 ATPaz ve asetilkolinesteraz aktivitelerinde yaşla ilişkili değişiklikler,
  • Hipoosmolaritenin dişi ve erkek sıçanların beyin dokusu Na K ATPaz enzimi üzerine etkileri,
  • Kardiovasküler hastalıkların klinik tanısında serum İnterlökin 6 ve Tümör Nekroz Faktör düzeylerinin önemi,
  • Diabetik ve epileptik sıçanlarda beyin korteksi Ca2 ATPaz aktiviteleri,
  • Sağlıklı insanlarda eritrosit membranı Na K ATPaz ve Ca2 ATPaz aktivitelerine ve sialik asid düzeylerine yaşlanmanın etkisi,
  • Diabetik ve konvülziyonların beyin korteksi Na K ATPaz enzim aktivitesine etkisi,
  • Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on Serum Fetuin A Levels in Rats Fed A High Fat Diet Is Curcumin Useful for Treatment of Fatty Liver Disease,
  • Effects of Curcumın Supplementatıon on Lıver Metabolısm in Rats Fed A Hıgh Fat Dıet A Proteomıc Approach,
  • Urinary Nerve Growth Factor Levels in Children with Non Neuropathic Overactive Bladder A Promising Biomarker,
  • Plasma acylated ghrelin obestatin and leptin in different stages of chronic kidney disease patients,
  • The Relation of Dimethylarginines With İnflammation and Oxidative Stress Markers in Patients With Chronic Renal Failure,
  • Serum Ghrelın Adıponectın Asymmetric Dimethylarginine Adma And Nitric Oxide Levels In Postmenopausal Obese Women,
  • Changes in factors involved in wound healing during hyperbaric oxygen therapy Biomarkers of collagen synthesis nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine,
  • Clinical evaluation of leukocyte Arylsulfatase A serum interleukin 6 and urinary heparan sulphate estimations in breast cancer patients and their relationship to the tamoxifen treatment,
  • The effect of aminoguanidine on NOS activity in gastric mucosal damage in rats,
  • Comparison of the effects of streptozotocin induced diabetes and pentylenetetrazol induced seizure on brain cortex Ca2 ATPase activity,
  • Kongre Ödülü, 2014
  • Uluslararası Katılımlı Kongre Lab Expo 2013, 2013
  • 18. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 2004